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Property Investment Archives - Alliance Credit – Finance Broker

Australia’s best investment property locations for $500,000!

Its tax time! The new financial year is among us and just like every other year a common complaint amongst all Australians is that we are paying too much tax. We visit the accountant, complete our tax returns, realize how much tax we are paying and receive very little back from the tax department. This

Banks put brakes on investor lending

Banks are finally putting the brakes on lending to housing investors, implementing tougher policies that are expected to remove some of the heat from the booming housing market. Under huge public and private pressure from regulators, the big banks are effectively raising interest rates for many new property investors by scrapping or scaling back discounts

6 Investment tips to avoid

Learning from the mistakes of others is a great way to become a successful property investor. Here’s a list of what to avoid on your way to the top 1. Putting if off Too busy’, ‘too risky’ or ‘not the right time in the property cycle’ are common excuses for not taking action, but in

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